School Logo
Dauntsey's School Sports Map

Address Dauntsey's School
High Street
West Lavington
SN10 4HE
Telephone 01380 814500
Fax 01380 814501
Sport Map Legend
Main School
Please use the rear gate off the B3098 and park in the main car parks at the rear of the school.
Lat: 51.28224, Long: -2.00102
Astro 1

Lat: 51.27861, Long: -1.99926
Astro 2

Lat: 51.27998, Long: -2.00035
Astro Changing Rooms

Lat: 51.28082, Long: -2.00053
Athletics Track

Lat: 51.27872, Long: -2.00204

Lat: 51.27942, Long: -2.00007
Cricket Pavillion

Lat: 51.28124, Long: -2.00043
Head Master's Pitch

Lat: 51.28214, Long: -2.00039
Mercers 1

Lat: 51.28075, Long: -2.00545
Mercers 2

Lat: 51.27999, Long: -2.00428
Mercers 3

Lat: 51.27870, Long: -2.00211
Mercers 4

Lat: 51.27781, Long: -2.00074

Lat: 51.28161, Long: -2.00488

Lat: 51.27960, Long: -2.00105
Pitch 1

Lat: 51.28163, Long: -1.99985
Pitch 2

Lat: 51.28070, Long: -1.99878
Pitch 3

Lat: 51.27985, Long: -1.99879
Pitch 4

Lat: 51.27928, Long: -1.99832
Pitch 5

Lat: 51.27881, Long: -1.99792
Sports Hall & Gym

Lat: 51.28093, Long: -2.00176